A1 Transportation Academy

Diwali Offer Ends in...

Mon – Fri (10 AM – 6:30 PM)
SAT ( 9 AM – 4:00 PM )

O% Financing Available Call us for more details

Call us: +1 905-754-0578

09 AM – 6:30 PM ( M – F) | SAT ( 9 AM – 4:00 PM )

Call us: +1 905-754-0578
O% Financing Available Call us for more details
9 AM – 6:30 PM ( M – F) | SAT ( 9 AM – 5:30 PM )

Click here to download Student complaint form with general guidelines.

General Guidelines

  1. A statement of complaint must be in writing
  2. All complaints are confidential
  3. The procedure outlined below must be followed
  4. A staff person presented with a verbal complaint will ask the student to follow the procedure and remind the student of the written complaint requirement
  5. The Campus Administrator or his/her designate will also ask for a copy of any written response(s) from those already contacted by the student in accordance with the procedure
  6. Arrangements for meetings and written responses with respect to the complaint will be made in a timely and professional fashion. No complaint will go unanswered.
  7. The College shall maintain a record of every complaint at the campus where the complaint originated for a period of at least three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint, which record shall include a copy of the complaint, of any submission filed with respect to the complaint and of the decision and the College shall provide a copy of this record to the student who has made the complaint.

Complaint Procedure

Step 1

The student will request to meet with the instructor to discuss the complaint verbally. Following this discussion, the complaint may be dismissed, or action taken to resolve the complaint.

If not resolved at this level, the student will proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: Complaint to Campus Administrator

The student will submit a completed written complaint to:

Campus Administrator
A1 Transportation Academy
30 Topflight Drive, Unit 2A
Mississauga, ON L5S 1Y1

The Campus Administrator or his/her designate will arrange a meeting with the student within 7 days of receiving the written complaint. The student will have an opportunity to make an oral presentation of the complaint at this meeting and to have another person present or have another person make the oral presentation on his/her behalf. This meeting will be minuted.

The Campus Administrator or his/her designate will provide a written response to the student, outlining the discussion and any proposed and/or agreed upon solution(s) within 14 days of the meeting. This response will include a decision statement, together with the reasons on which the decision is based and minutes of the meetings held.

If not resolved at this level, the student will proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: Appeal to the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges

If not resolved at this level, the student will proceed to contact the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities using the following contact information and the Student Complaint Form attached hereto:

Private Career Colleges
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
Private Institutions Branch
10th Floor Mowat Block,
900 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1L2