A1 Transportation Academy

O% Financing Available Call us for more details

Call us: +1 905-754-0578

10 AM – 6:30 PM ( M – F) | SAT ( 9 AM – 4:00 PM )

Call us: +1 905-754-0578
O% Financing Available Call us for more details
9 AM – 6:30 PM ( M – F) | SAT ( 9 AM – 5:30 PM )

Employee Conduct Policy

1. Background and Definitions

A1 Transportation Academy strives to ensure integrity, transparency, and public confidence always. This policy cannot address every situation that Employees may encounter. For this reason, this policy does not relieve Employees of the responsibility and accountability to exercise good judgment and in circumstances where they are unsure as to the proper course of action, to seek guidance from school management.

Employee: For the purposes of this policy, a person under the employment of A1 Transportation Academy on a full-time, part-time, partial load, occasional, or temporary basis.

Sexual Misconduct: For this policy, in relation to another Employee or a studentincludes:

  1. Physical sexual relations, touching of sexual nature, or behavior or remarks of a sexual nature where:
    1. The act constitutes an offence under the Criminal Code of Canada
  2. The act infringes the right of the Employee or student under clause 7 (3)(a) of the Ontario Human Rights Code to be free from a sexual solicitation or advance, or
  • The act constitutes sexual misconduct as defined in the school’s
    1. Any conduct by a school Employee that infringes the right of an Employee or student under clause 7 (3)(b) of the Ontario Human Rights Code to be free from a reprisal or threat of reprisal for the rejection of a sexual solicitation or advance.


2.  Purpose

The Employee Code of Conduct is intended to provide clarity for Employees on standards of integrity, and professional conduct.


3.  Policy Statements

  1. Each Employee is accountable to support  the A1 Transportation Academy mission, vision, and values,and to act with integrity and transparency, respect for diversity, and with a focus on personal and team accountability and
  1. Employees will work together to achieve the highest possible standards to foster and maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the
  1. An Employee’s conduct shall not impede or prevent others from carrying out their duties.

 4.  Knowledge of School Policies and Regulations

  1. Employees need to be aware of and comply with the legislation and regulations that affect how they carry out their duties, including those of other countries when travelling out-of-country on school business.
  2. Employees are expected to be familiar with the school policies relevant to their responsibilities and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with those policies.

 5.   Respect in the Workplace

  1. Employees are expected to demonstrate behaviors that reflect the school valuesin all their
  2. Employees are expected to promote and support a respectful, inclusive, and safework environment where everyone is treated with respect and
  3. Employees are to act with transparency and impartiality to make sound, unbiased decisions to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest in accordancewith the Conflict-of-Interest
  4. Employees must respect the traditions, beliefs and diverse backgrounds of all individuals and groups; and
  5. Employees will not participate in or condone any form of harassment, discrimination, bullying and/or violence in the workplace.


6.   Professional Behavior

  1. Employees are expected to act in a professional manner that includes meeting obligations, being truthful and cooperative with school administration, maintaining integrity in their work and civility in their conduct and
  2. Employees are expected to present themselves in a professional manner including appropriate dress and personal appearance in keeping with the nature of the work they perform and the public image of the school they
  3. Employees are to adhere to professional codes of conduct where
  4. Employees are expected to ensure that their conduct does not jeopardize the good order and proper functioning of school operations and that they do not use School property or assets for anything other than legitimate School business, in accordance with policies pertaining to Conflict of Interest.
  5. Employees will take reasonable steps to protect confidential information in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Privacy policy; and
  6. Respecting the fundamental principle of Academic Freedom and its limitations contained within the Academic Employees Collective Agreement, Employees will not make public disparaging remarks as a representative of the school, about colleagues, students, suppliers, contractors, and/or the school, including using social media. 

 7.   Sexual Misconduct by Employees

  1. Sexual misconduct toward other Employees and students is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the school.
  2. If a complaint is filed by a student against an Employee, the School will proceed to handle the complaint under the terms outlined in the School’s Harassment and Discrimination
  3. If the School finds that an Employee has engaged in sexual misconduct as defined above, the Employee will be subject to progressive disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment for just This means that the Employee is not eligible to receive notice of termination of employment or pay in lieu of notice. This outcome cannot be substituted by an arbitrator in the case of a unionized Employee. The Employee cannot be re-employed by the school in any capacity, and this applies whether the Employee has been terminated or has resigned.

 8.   Children in the Workplace

            Employees are not permitted to bring their children to work as part of their routine course of work. Employees’ children are only permitted              to attend the workplace with their parents for school events that would normally include children such as varsity games or events like‘Take               Our Kids to Work’.

 9.   Communication

  1. Every employment letter will reference the Employee Code of Conduct; and
  2. Managers are responsible for communicating the Employee Code of Conduct to consultants, contractors, volunteers, and student Employees for their respective areas.

 10.  Failure to Comply

  1. Failure to comply with this policy could result in reputational damage, legal action and/or financial loss; and
  2. An Employee who demonstrates conduct that does not comply with, or is inconsistent with the standards contained herein, may be subject to disciplinary sanctions up toand including termination.